We participated in the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association Garden Tour yesterday. It was a fund-raiser for our neighborhood’s historic status nomination process.
I expected maybe 50 to 75 folks to come through and was pleasantly surprised to see that we had 50 in the first hour, for a total of 160 visitors!
It was fun and a great catalyst for getting our winter cleanup done, and I’m glad it’s done! Phew!
Here are some images of the garden that I took between visitors:
Also, you can click here to see some fun “before” photos.

A gorgeous metal sculpture designed and created by our dear friend, Tucson artist Marla Ruane:
The bird of paradise obliged by blooming as if on cue:
Kenny the truly-good-sport, who not only agreed to this crazy idea, but put in MANY hours pulling it off!

Kirby the Gatekeeper:

Six gorgeous blooms on the bird of paradise!

Our “outdoor room” filled with the heady fragrance of jasmine and magnolia! Yum!

Roxy the mild-mannered docent , who patiently observed most of the proceedings from the WRONG (to her way of thinking) side of the dining room screen door:
The path to the backyard:
And I even got to put some of my art out for sale to benefit the neighborhood! My first official semi-public showing!
A little peek at the backyard which was not quite up to snuff, in my opinion, to be “officially” included on the tour: