Here is the front porch bed all tired and overgrown from the winter…
In progress…
I spent many hours tearing out the adorable but invasive vinca minor (periwinkle), and adding a bunch of annuals and perennials (lavender, marguerite daisy, verbena, a low ornamental grass, a cordlyine) – with a few more to come next weekend. I also pruned all the suckers and extra heads on the gorgeous sego palm – much bettah!
And here it is all spiffed up for our participation in the Spring Garden Tour on April 18…
You can see the baby Neon Rose Wave Petunias in the photo above. This color Wave petunia won’t be on the market until NEXT Spring, but I entered a contest on the Wave Rave website and WON! Six 3-inch Neon Rose starts, and six 3-inch white Angelonia starts! I get to be one of their little “test gardeners”.
I am a huge fan of these high-performance babies! I’ll post some pics in a few weeks and you’ll see why! Each little start should produce waves and waves of bright blooms –around a six-foot diameter per plant – EVEN in the desert.
Go here to become an official fan and maybe you’ll win stuff, too.