Bougainvillea, ahhhh, bougainvillea.... I remember the first time I saw you in person. It was love at first sight. I knew I had to have you in my life. I knew that I wanted to live in a place where you grow happily on the roadsides and hang from overpasses and peak out of every other yard in the neighborhood. I knew then I would indeed have
arrived. A lucky woman.
My treasured dream has come true. Now we have a huge wall of you right outside our bedroom window. It was one of the things that made me fall in love with this house.
Well, that, and the
dining room windows and coved ceilings. Oh, and the arched doorways. Oh, and the fairy-tale cottage casement windows. But I digress.

A peek from inside the bedroom window

Outside the window


A whole wall of vibrant fuchsia love
Aaargh, you're killin' me with those shots of the b'villea! I love that stuff. I had a hedge made of it around the railings of our pool in Malibu! An idea stolen from some gardens on the island of Malta! Daffodils are very nice, but they need a cool climate in which to grow:(