I have begun the yummy fabric selection process for a Super King bed quilt for my dear friends in Holland! I can now officially call myself an "internationally commissioned quilter" -- because they're paying me generously!

Boy, am I doing The Happy Dance!! The pattern is
Radiant Sunshine & Shadow, from the book of the same name by fellow Tucsonans
Helen Frost and
Cathy Skow. (Helen's mom is the famous-in-the-quilt-world
Blanche Young.)
My friends have requested the quilt be "dark blue, cream and beige", so I am in the process of purchasing many swatches to give them lots of choices -- I can hardly believe my great good fortune!! Shopping for fabrics -- oh, the drudgery! (Not!)
Here's the first batch o' blues, from
The Quilter's Market in Tucson. We'll need to select 4 of the blue fabrics. I've cut them into 3 inch squares because that is the largest size block in the finished uilt and I wanted them to be able to see the fabric in the right scale.